Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A New Beginning

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

I know that my last post was pretty nasty back in November when I was finally getting off of my Anti-depressants. My life had just turned upside-down from a failed marriage and LOADS of unnecessary drugs that were addling my brain. It is now Mid-March and I honestly couldn't feel better!

I am, still, off of my anti-depressants and I truly feel like myself again. Going off of those meds were truly one of the more difficult things I'd done in my life but potentially one of the best things I'd ever did for my health and well being.

Obviously, this is for my own circumstances and in no way do I ever suggest going cold turkey unless supervised by your doctor. Many people do not have very good luck with the side effects. If you are choosing to go off of your medications, let your friends and family know. They are the reason I got through it so well. NEVER DO THIS ALONE!

Today, March 12th 2013, I am working full time, I am attending a weekly course for a Project Management Certification, and I am FINALLY living a full and happy life without Anti-depressants holding me back.

Another excellent thing that I will share with you dear reader. I'd been suffering from Chronic Headaches for over a year. I've had MRI's done, a spinal tap that laid me up for a week in bed, even MORE medications including hard core pain killers that never seemed to help, and a Doctor's appointment with a Neurologist every single month. I never found any relief from the medical community.

For lent this year, I decided to go on a Juice Fast and gave up everything but Fruits and Veggies. You know what? My headaches subsided to the point where I no longer need to be on any sort of medication for my headaches! I was so incredibly floored by this.  I tried to incorporate back in foods to see what was causing my pain. Apparently, I have a Gluten Intolerance that's been making me very sick. I am not sure what triggered my headaches to start so abruptly back in September 2011 but now that they are gone, I really don't care anymore. I'm not in constant pain anymore! *Confetti*

I went to my Neurologist two weeks later to give him the good news. When I relayed my story to him, his eyebrows just rose up higher and higher. He was completely speechless when I told him my findings. His last words were, "Well.... Stay on the diet and stay away from Gluten! I'll see you in 6 months" I walked out of that office that day with a huge grin on my face and a bright future. 

Later this week (I promise I'll post more ^.^) I want to talk about what I've learned from this entire life event.

I hope life finds you well today


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